Accomplishments since last status report:
-Four more options for multitasking sound playback and measurement have been ruled out. While the result is not tangible, it shows that other, more-pressing matters need to be handled first before sinking more time into the facial software.
-John Tennant has been consulted about the desk design. A final design has been decided on and materials will be ordered soon. The desk design is pictured Figure 2.
-A basic design (Figure 1) and materials list was formulated for the stand that Maxwell will be mounted to (the current one is too cumbersome). A “push-cart” design was proposed with specific dimensions to Maxwell’s waist and height.
-Continued modifications to web design, including the mobile website. New user interface for Maxwell in creation process.
-Several power supplies and power systems were evaluated for cost-benefit and ability to be integrated
-A battery backup, surge protector, variable voltage source (three options) were found and proposed. An alternative is a PC power supply
Obstacles encountered since last status report and actions to deal with same:
-As mentioned above, four more options for the facial software have been ruled out. This exhausts the initial design possibilities.
-For the website, JavaScript backend functions have created difficulties
Risks facing the project and actions to deal with same:
-Many hours have been spent trying to solve the multitasking problem for the face, but no progress has been made. This has set other software aspects behind schedule.
-There is a risk of Maxwell tipping over due to center of mass being too high.
-A line of communication with Campus Safety has still not been established due to lack of response
Objectives for the next week:
-Write the software for Arduino-pi interfacing. Preferably, there will be a demo software to showcase this integration.
-Begin fabrication of stand, purchasing all the required supplies.
-Contact Campus Safety to begin work with the blue light and begin designing the portable desk with real dimensions.
-The power system will be decided upon
-The user interface for Maxwell (on the website) will be expanded